J.Y. Cousteau - Famous Quotes
Today is J.Y.Cousteau's Birthday. Happy Birthday Mon Commandant! I got to know about Cousteau's world through the works of 'Didi' Frederic Dumas - Le Monde du Silence. At age 10 I moved to the North Sea and from then on the Sea and I became inseparable; due to this passion the man had instilled in me. Many continents and Oceans later (I am now 47) I can only attest to witnessing the increasingly rapid death of the Oceans for which he warned us many times more than 50 year's ago. Let's have a look at this man's 10 + a dolphin most famous quotes and warnings. Read more quotes from J.Y. Cousteau by clicking here: https://www.oceanroamers.biz/myblog/j-y-cousteau-famous-quotes What do you think of his quotes, warnings maybe? What did Cousteau to inspire you? Let me know by commenting on this article, I look forward to your reactions!
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