It’s a world of striking beauty, with strange and colorful creatures in a weightless seascape. An unfamiliar place where every visit is an adventure and discovery!

Divers are members of a special community, where they can meet new people and share the knowledge they gain. Scuba will reveal new sites and new experiences, an up-close and personal encounter with marine life.

Snorkeling is a popular recreational activity, particularly at tropical resort locations. It provides the opportunity to observe underwater life in a natural setting without the complicated equipment and training required for scuba diving. Snorkeling is also used by scuba divers when on the surface, as part of water-based searches conducted by search and rescue teams, in underwater sports

The wondrous world of Ocean Sports. From individual to team efforts, water sports truly come in all shapes and forms. To glide, fly, jump or dive,...
Let the Sea Set You Free! The Oc3an Club combines the most professional water sport operators, currently active in teaching or offering water sports themed excursions in Sudan's Red Sea.