SEATTLE — Federal biologist Erin Fedewa boarded a research vessel in June in Dutch Harbor, and journ
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SEATTLE — Federal biologist Erin Fedewa boarded a research vessel in June in Dutch Harbor, and journ
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The gelatinous, transparent bodies of bizarre jellylike sea creatures — illuminated by the twinkling
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THE LIFE OF an Atlantic salmon is one long, gruelling road trip. Born in coastal rivers in Europe, N
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When you read Puffer Fish do you think poison? Or a fish that can triple in width in a moment? If yo
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The Canadian Press Comments Text Size Please log in to listen to this story. Also available in Frenc
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New research has revealed how aquatic food sectors can play a vital role in providing healthy diets
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In July, off the Turkish port city of Bodrum, Kerim Sabuncuoğlu stepped from the edge of a boat into
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'The 8th continent' is an award-winning design that recycles ocean plastic and is completely self-su
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The shark is called an angular roughshark and is distinguished by its wide-set eyes and its short, b
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In a parked car overlooking the ocean sit two of the biggest whale killers in the Faroe Islands. The
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HUGO the killer whale was said to have been so unhappy in his captivity at an aquarium that he slamm
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Ninety-two percent of the Oceans’ plastic pollution, by one estimate, is due to microplastics: piece
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