Here's a list of 10 countries where you can lead a sumptuous life, while not burdening you wallet.
Indian Premier
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By | May 08, 2022, 12:08 PM IST (Published)
Here's a list of 10 countries where you can lead a sumptuous life, while not burdening you wallet.
There's no doubt that day-to-day expenses are ever increasing for each one of us, given the skyrocketing prices of daily use products. From fuel to food and general living expenses are rising each day, which is resulting in higher monthly expenses. However, there are some countries that offer great accommodation, and living expenses per month, for a single person is far less. This essentially means, you can lead a sumptuous life while not burdening your pocket. Read on to find out the 10 cheapest countries to live in 2022, according to a list compiled by Wealthy Gorilla. Note* $1 = Rs 76.5 as of April 2022. (Image: Shutterstock)
No 10 | Country: Cambodia | Monthly expenses: $812 (Image: Shutterstock)
No 9 | Country: Thailand | Monthly expenses: $679 (Image: Shutterstock)
No 8 | Country: Malaysia | Monthly expenses: $588 (Image: Reuters)
No 7 | Country: Mexico | Monthly expenses: $587 (Image: Shutterstock)
No 6 | Country: Peru | Monthly expenses: $543 (Image: Shutterstock)
No 5 | Country: Argentina | Monthly expenses: $542 (Image: Shutterstock)
No 4 | Country: Vietnam | Monthly expenses: $500 (Image: Shutterstock)
No 3 | Country: Nepal | Monthly expenses: $450 (Image: Shutterstock)
No 2 | Country: Bolivia | Monthly expenses: $431 (Image: Shutterstock)
No 1 | Country: Indonesia | Monthly expenses: $340 (Image: Shutterstock)
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