The Yacht Mogul knows yachts like the back of his hand, and Ucal Abbasli Design designs them to the T. When two stalwarts come together to create a superyacht, one can only expect something extraordinary. The result of this excellent partnership is the yacht concept Mogul 777. Yachting influencer Denis Suka, aka Yacht Mogul, has lent this 255 footer vessel his ingenious outlook to create a multi-level yacht that looks more like a resort than anything else. Mogul 777 is built with a steel hull and aluminum superstructure that flaunts several fancy features on its many cascading decks. At first sight the aspects that spring to notice almost immediately are five cascading decks, the glass-bottomed deck revealing the swimming pool beneath and a touch-and-go helipad.

There is a firepit surrounded by lounge seating on the higher deck. Several sun beds and lounging spots make it an apt floor to socialize and relax. On the top-most deck are spotted two rope swings suspended over an unmatched view of the waters. Similarly, a Jacuzzi is located on her sun deck, and the main deck comprises a central aquarium hovering over the beach club. The beach club looks enchanting after being surrounded by large glass panels on three sides. Guests can soak in this artificial beauty by leisurely spending time in the massive swimming pool, making a lasting impression with its waterfall.

Mogul 777 is undoubtedly designed to entertain guests and live life king-size. Suppose swimming in a pool isn’t your preference when the abundant ocean is available. In that case, the vessel flaunts two fold-down terraces that allow direct access to the sea, or a hydraulic swim platform drops down to water level from the stern. The owner’s deck is an entity that deserves a special mention. As expected, this area has the most panoramic view of the bow. The owner’s suite also enjoys a private outside deck area with its pool.

The vessel fits 18 guests in nine cabins, including a master suite situated on the private owner’s deck with panoramic views and access to the private pool. According to the yacht influencer, the maximum speed for this luxurious superyacht could be 24 knots. They will mostly be powered by a “greener” solution with either hydrogen or hybrid-electric, according to

[Via: Forbes]
Original author: Tandon