Holy moly, this is some nightmare fuel… If you spend any amount of time in the great outdoors, you’r
...Holy moly, this is some nightmare fuel… If you spend any amount of time in the great outdoors, you’r
...The British firm Maritime Exploration was looking for a Dutch East India Company shipwreck in the So
...Known as the "holy grail of shipwrecks," Spain's San José held an estimated 200 tons of treasure, in
...NORWICH, ENGLAND—According to a BBC News report, researchers from the University of East Anglia anno
...The Polaris crew has been getting chummy over the past three months while training for its mission l
...There are dozens of famous quotes on scuba diving, but one that I closely relate with is this: “Ever
...I could feel myself suffocating. Each step down the bedrock passageway brought me closer to what I’d
...Public Safety Divers are a special breed! Many start as recreational divers, but because of their in
...Overview The Australian policing system is structured on a state-by-state basis, with 8 police organ
...Von Cannon shares his less than 1,000 square foot Hermosa Beach home with girlfriend Jodi and his de
...A Cape Cod science center and one of the world’s largest shipping businesses are collaborating on a
...The adage “out of sight, out of mind” has long summed up humans’ attitude to dumping personal and in