About 29 percent of the United States’ population live in coastline counties – more than 41 million
...About 29 percent of the United States’ population live in coastline counties – more than 41 million
...Photo: Cristian Gutu (Shutterstock) Your home wifi is your lifeline to the internet, which, by exten
...In The Islands of Tahiti, life is deeply connected to water. With water-based activities for all ski
...Please Wait... | Cloudflare Please enable cookies. Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing t
...STATELINE, Nev. (AP) — They found no trace of a mythical sea monster, no sign of mobsters in concret
...“I didn’t recognize myself in these ‘too perfect’ images,” photographer Alison Bounce tells us in an
...Divers Alert Network (DAN) has published the latest edition of its Travelers Medical Guide. Factfile
...For more than 40 years, DAN has been here to help divers, dive professionals, and health care provid
...Caladan Oceanic conducted the first-ever crewed dive to the deepest point of the Atacama Trench (Per
...Read so far Press Release Diving Talks is bringing together PADI, SDI and SSI to discuss the future
...On May 4th, 2022, Eugenie Clark, an American ichthyologist, would have turned 100 years old. She was
...A dead scuba diver found near more than 50kg of cocaine at a Newcastle shipping port has been identi